Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Texas Roadhouse

Here is my friend Vickie and I eating a late lunch/early dinner at Texas Roadhouse before I got my tattoo. Everyone said to be sure and eat real good before hand so I did. We had a blast!! Thanks again for going with me Vickie!! I really apprecated it!!! 

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Final Picture - Tattoo

Gary took these pictures this evening. Most of the redness is gone. Isn't it beautiful!!! 

I finally did it!!!

This is what I did yesterday!!! I got me a tattoo!! I have thought about getting one for years!! Now I have one!!! My good friend Vickie went with me and took some photos. I got it done at Eternal Ink by Bree. She also designed it for me. It's a memorial tattoo in memory of my niece Sheena who passed away in Jan 2007. I will have my hubby take a photo of it this evening so you can see it completely finished.

getting ready it begins

In process Almost done

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sad Day

Today is a bittersweet day for me. You see today would of been my niece Sheena's 27 birthday. We lost Sheena in Jan 2007. I miss her so much!!! I think about her every day. Her son Anthony is doing great!!! He is a true joy to our family. I will try and post from photos of him in the next week or so. Just don't have it in me at the moment. If you read this far Thanks!!! Take Care!!!! Hugs TerryK

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Life is AMAZING!!!

 I am so excited that I just have to share!! I have FINALLY reconnected with my best friend from Junior High!!! When I moved from CA to TX (when I was 14) me and my best friend Kim swore that we would always stay in touch. Well we didn't. The last time I talked to her was 20plus years ago. Periodically I would look on classmates.com to see if she was there. A few months ago when I checked again I saw her on there!! It took a few months for her to contact me back (thanks to classmates.com taking their time in sending her the email). We've been happily emailing and talking on the phone for the last 3-4 weeks!!! How cool is that!? Life is truly amazing!!!! Here's a pic of us from back in the day!